Acting together globally
8. Glocal - Think Global and Act Local:
Local actions we take to fight corruption need to be both inspired by a global vision and adjusted to the specificities of local contexts
9. Zero Tolerance:
Strive for zero tolerance against any form of corruption within all jurisdictions
10. Collective Action with a Multi-Stakeholder Approach:
Build alliances between corporations, public institutions and civil society organizations to fight corruption and level the playing field
Initiatives from our Members
Employers’ Confederation of the Mexican Republic (COPARMEX)
Partnership with Alliance for Integrity
After a rigorous selection process, COPARMEX was chosen to be part of the Global Committee of the Alliance for Integrity, representing business from all Latin American countries. Similarly, COPARMEX was selected to execute all Alliance for Integrity programs in Mexico, thus receiving the designation of National hub.
Confederation of Danish Industry (DI)
Fight Against Facilitation Payments Initiative
The Fight Against Facilitation Payments Initiative (FAFPI) was started in 2018 in collaboration with the Danish Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Confederation of Danish Industry, companies, and NGOs. It is both a network for sharing and building best practice in the fight against facilitation payments and a data-driven initiative to confront the problem (see also the FAFPI webinars The Power of Collective Action and Power of Data in the Fight Against Corruption).
UN Global Compact Network Denmark
DI is a member of the UN Global Compact Network Denmark, largest network and learning environment in Denmark for sustainability in the private sector. Companies and organizations affiliated to the UN Global Compact commit to comply with ten universal principles based on international conventions and declarations and covering aspects of human rights, labor rights, climate & environment and anti-corruption.
Confederation of Finnish Industry (EK)
Anti-corruption cooperation network
EK is an active member of the Finnish national Anti-corruption cooperation network. The network is the local anti-corruption body in Finland as required by many international conventions. All relevant ministries are involved (Justice, Finance, Economy and the Employment). The anti-corruption cooperation network is responsible for:
- Promoting anti-corruption efforts
- Preparing an anti-corruption strategy and action plan for Finland and promoting their implementation
- Raising awareness of corruption, importance of anti-corruption efforts and anti-corruption guidelines in the central government, municipalities and private sector
- Monitoring and promoting the implementation of international anti-corruption conventions and other international obligations
- Participating in the definition of Finland's positions in matters related to corruption and its prevention and producing information to support decision-making
- Following and promoting research on corruption.
International Federation of Accountants (IFAC)
Anti-Corruption Advocacy Workbook for Professional Accountancy Organizations
This tool helps professional accountancy organizations (PAOs) take leading roles in the fight against corruption in their jurisdictions. Global Fight, Local Actions: Anti-Corruption Advocacy Workbook for PAOs equips PAOs and accountancy profession leaders with the background and framework to craft bespoke approaches and messages that best fit their jurisdiction and needs.
Deloitte’s Anti-Corruption Commitment
Deloitte actively supports multiple efforts to help eradicate corruption throughout the world. Deloitte Global was an early signatory to the United Nations Global Compact (UNGC) and to the World Economic Forum’s Partnering Against Corruption Initiative (PACI). The Deloitte Global Anti-Corruption team and Deloitte firm Anti-Corruption leaders work closely with senior Deloitte leaders to build and enhance a globally consistent, internal anti-corruption program across the Deloitte organization. More on Deloitte’s anti-corruption commitment can be found here.
Maritime Anti-Corruption Network (MACN) Membership
Maersk, through its two subsidiaries Maersk Line and Maersk Tankers, and together with other maritime players, co-founded MACN, a global business network aiming for a maritime industry free of corruption to enable fair trade. It promotes sustainable change through multi-stakeholder collaboration, offering tools and best practices for anti-corruption management, and engages with governments to improve port and cargo clearance processes to combat corruption.
Siemens Integrity Initiative
The Siemens Integrity Initiative is the company’s overarching program to fight corruption and promote integrity. The initiative supports other organizations and projects that combat corruption and fraud through Collective Action. Together with other companies, the public sector, non-governmental organizations, academia, and civil society, Siemens supports long-term initiatives on international level and on the ground. Since 2009, Siemens has committed over USD 120 million to 85 Collective Action projects in more than 50 countries. More information can be found in the Siemens Integrity Initiative Annual Report.