Investment Committee

Winand Quaedvlieg

Secretariat Lead
Nathan Munch
Policy Manager
Luca Fontana
Autostrade per l'Italia
Christian Hoffmann
Siemens AG
Peter Bay Kirkegaard
Confederation of Danish Industry (DI)
Cristián Rodríguez-Chiffelle
Boston Consulting Group
(United States)
Teruko Wada
Why OECD Work on Investment Policy Matters
The OECD shapes policies that encourage investment, protect investors, and create a more favorable environment for businesses to thrive and contribute to economic growth and development. Through its groundbreaking research and publications as well as various instruments, including the OECD Declaration on International Investment and Multinational Enterprises, the OECD Policy Framework for Investment and the OECD Guidelines for Investment Policies relating to National Security, the OECD works to enhance the contribution of international investment to growth and sustainable development. -
How Business Engages with the OECD on Investment Policy
Our Investment Committee acts as the private sector focal point for OECD activities related to international investment. We advocate for sound and stable investment conditions, open markets and conducive business environments. Based on our members’ expertise, we inform the OECD about specific problems and barriers foreign investors face and contribute to the formulation of OECD policies and guidance documents. Our Investment Committee meets twice per year convenes additional thematic ad-hoc sessions and organizes policy events in partnership with the OECD.
Our 2025 Priorities
- Ensuring that the OECD addresses the questions related to economic security
- Underlining the importance of investment promotion and facilitation
- Leveraging private investments as a basis for future growth and competitiveness
- Contributing to the discussions on the future of investment treaties
- Highlighting the importance of effective investment protection
Our Engagement with OECD Bodies
- OECD Investment Committee
- OECD International Investment Treaty Conference
- OECD Roundtable on Investment and Sustainable Development
- OECD FDI Qualities Network
- OECD Investment Promotion Agency Network
10 March 2025
Our Recommendations on the Evaluation of Peru's Accession to the OECD
27 November 2023
More, Better and Safe Investment
12 September 2023
Business at OECD Investment and RBC Committee Update
9 August 2022
Investment and RBC Update
1 December 2021
Comments on the proposed FDI Qualities toolkit
1 December 2021
International Investment and Responsible Business Conduct, Anti-Corruption, Corporate Governance Activity Update 2021
6 January 2020
A Proactive Investment Agenda for 2020
1 September 2020
Leveraging investment for more resilient health care systems