Governance and Regulatory Policy Committee



Dr. Yılmaz Argüden

ARGE Consulting



Secretariat Lead

Emma Brierley

Policy Manager


Melanie Bausen-Wiens




Rohan Chindooroy


(United States)

Vice Chair

Matt Hallett


(United States)


Juan Luis Redondo Maíllo



Vice Chair

Aidan Sweeney



  • 01.

    Why OECD work on Governance and Regulatory Policy Matters

    The OECD’s work on good public governance promotes effective, transparent, and accountable governance practices, which are essential for fostering trust, stability, and an enabling environment for businesses to operate and thrive. In this context, the Organization’s evidence-based work on regulatory policy frameworks focuses on streamlining regulations, reducing unnecessary burdens on businesses, and creating a more predictable regulatory environment. The OECD’s findings in this regard have been enshrined in several Regulatory Policy Recommendations and Best Practice Principles.

  • 03.

    How Business Engages with the OECD on Governance and Regulatory Policy

    Our Governance and Regulatory Policy Committee contributes to the OECD’s work on good public governance and regulation, with a view to improving policy making processes across sectors and increasing the quality of existing regulations. It advocates pro–competitive, transparent, predictable and quality regulatory frameworks that support business, entrepreneurship and innovation with minimum administrative burden.
  • 02.

    Our 2024 Priorities

    • Promoting evidence-based policy and measuring regulatory performance
    • Strengthening regulatory quality and stakeholder engagement
    • Facilitating international cooperation on regulatory policy
    • Supporting the OECD’s work on addressing regulatory burdens in the green transition
    • Providing business input to the OECD’s work on addressing Mis- and Dis-information
  • 04.

    Our Engagement with OECD Bodies

    • OECD Regulatory Policy Committee
    • OECD Public Governance Committee
    • OECD Steering Group on Measuring Regulatory Performance