Education Committee

Kate Brosnan

Secretariat Lead
Nicole Primmer
Deputy Executive Director,
Policy and Strategic Engagement

Secretariat Support
Minami Kakuda
Policy Expert and Executive Board Support
Charles Fadel
Centre for Curriculum Redesign
(United States)
Tom Hartgill
Pwc UK
(United Kingdom)
Gerhard Riemer
Federation of Austrian Industries
Liene Voronenko
Employers Confederation of Latvia
Why OECD Work on Education Matters
The OECD's work on education helps improve educational quality and accessibility on a global scale. The Organization conducts research, collects data, and allows countries to benchmark their performance and learn from one another. As the flagship Programme for International Student Assessment (PISA) can trigger national education policy reform, dialogue between governments and business at the OECD is instrumental to ensure that recommendations for education policies reflect labor market realities and foster a capable and adaptable workforce.
How Business Engages with the OECD on Education Policy
Our Education Committee is the private sector focal point for OECD work on education policy. Based on our members’ interest and expertise, we bring together the experience and perspectives of employers to support and help shape the OECD’s world-renowned surveys, analyses, and recommendations in the area of education and skills. Our Education Committee meets bi–annually, participates to OECD thematic sessions and Ministerial level meetings, and organizes policy events in partnership with the OECD.
Our 2024 Priorities
- Modernizing education curricula for employability and inclusive societies
- Investing in teachers and elevating the teacher profession
- Investing in the digital infrastructure and capacity of education and learning systems
- Engaging in the new OECD International VET Assessment
- Advancing skills and competencies for the digital economy and sustainability
Our Engagement with OECD Bodies
- OECD Education Policy Committee
- Center for Educational Research and Innovation Governing Board
- OECD Centre for Skills
26 February 2025
Boosting Productivity and Business Growth: The Role of AI Skills
5 December 2022
Business at OECD (BIAC) Statement to the OECD 2022 Education Ministerial
29 November 2022
Joint publication with IOE: Learning for better life and work
1 December 2021
Vision paper: Education for a more resilient future
1 June 2015
Business at OECD (BIAC) Character Qualities for the Workplace: BIAC Survey Synthesis Report 2015
1 June 2013
Business at OECD (BIAC) Education Committee Survey Synthesis Report 2013