Our Global Network
We work closely with all industry sectors at global levels including from the consumer goods, energy, healthcare, technology sectors through coordination with our 50+ national business bodies from OECD economies and beyond, including G20 and key non-member countries.
Our national business bodies lead the way in appointing business representatives from their affiliated multinational corporations, industry associations, and their own teams in our policy groups.
National Member Organizations
Observer Organizations
Associate Expert Groups
Global Partnerships
Why business leaders believe in our impact
“Irish business invests in Business at OECD initiatives as OECD projects and recommendations move the needle in many of the markets where our businesses operate. Our joint partnership is a necessity to design and deliver effective policies for the leading industrial sectors we represent.”

Jackie King
Executive Director, International Business, IBEC
“By facilitating the exchange of experiences among its national business and employer organizations and conveying to the OECD what employers need for a job-rich future, Business at OECD (BIAC) shows the connectivity its global network brings to the table.”

Renate Hornung-Draus
Managing Director, European and International Affairs. Confederation of German Employers' Associations (BDA)